
Happy New Year everyone!

Happy New Year everyone!

Happy New Year everyone!

We hope you’ve had a lovely break and have recharged your batteries ready to get swimming again 🏊‍♀️. The pool reopens for lessons after the Christmas break this morning and the staff are looking forward to welcoming you all back.

Following Government guidelines, we again have to ask parents to wear face masks whilst in the pool building. All other requirements are as before – arrive beach ready, only one parent per child, happy nappies must be worn by all children attending cygnet classes.

We’re looking forward to another great term of lessons, hopefully without any interruptions 🤞. As always, term dates can be found on our website – this is a link to the right page.We do have some availability across the week for all ability levels so please get in touch if you would like more information.

Any swimmers from last term who didn’t renew before Christmas but who would like to continue, please get in touch with us [email protected] or [email protected] and we’ll check if your space is still available.

Thanks as ever for your continuing support.

Swimstart Silsden